Markos’s work at Kantina – Why do I volunteer?
The first year of my life in Europe was so painful, as I was shocked by how social life happens in Europe.
Mixed Methods in VOLPOWER: What it means and why we do it
In VOLPOWER, we combine a qualitative in-depth research approach with the bigger picture of a quantitative survey
Volunteering in Zagreb – Interview with Okoli Kikemolo
We interviewed Kikelomo to find out more about why she volunteers.
The Optical Illusion – Why do I volunteer?
Volunteering for me is helping out and supporting others who have great ideas.
Fabian’s answer – Why do I volunteer?
Why did I do that? Why did I end up in a Film Festival that promotes cinema from the the CEE region?
Sein’s experience – Why do I volunteer?
I volunteer in RogLab, the creative maker lab which is part of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML).
Tmnit on volunteering as community-building – Why do I volunteer?
Volunteering for me is what being a community truly means: to help each other, to connect with each other and to include each other.
Mahdi on the reasons for volunteering – Why do I volunteer?
With busy lives, it can be hard to find the time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your community.
VOLPOWER Event in ZAGREB – A week on Sljeme with the volunteers
In the second week of June, the VOLPOWER project team, including all the volunteers from the seven participating countries, met up in Croatia for the first transnational project event.
Why do I volunteer? – Amy’s volunteering story
I volunteered because it was a new experience for me.

Awarding body:
European Commission AMIF
(Asylum Migration and Integration Fund)
Project end: June 2021
Project Team
Prof. Umut Korkut (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Maggie Laidlaw (Researcher and Lead Curator)
Marcus Nicolson (Project Manager)
Useful Info
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